Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Shannon & Lauren's Amazing Fantastic Post

Shannon -
Hey!!! Shout out to Christine: I'm still waiting for that lovely comment you promised me! Haha I miss Champ most of all probably lol. Have fun Christine!! Enjoy your spring break at home! Say hi to all the animals for me! This whole thing has been incredible and I have so much to tell you when I get home and I expect the same from you. Btw Christine you were right, the cave was always damp, the showers too cold, the bathroom was literally a hike away, and the hike stunk, but it was worth it. Thank you so much for helping me get ready for this. I miss you guys! Have fun!!!!
Love you guys!!!

Lauren -
TELL HOGIE I'M GOING TO BEAT HIM IN THE LEATHERMAN'S LOOP WHEN I GET HOME! Uncle Bobby is going to win the bet... and Jack... hope you guys are having fun... with the college tours... I have to tell you everything when I get home! I LOVE COSTA RICA <3
- Lauren


  1. i cant post pictures (crap) so i will just have to type it out.
    this was written on a piece of cardboard outside a movie theater:
    "Due to the limited tickets for the midnight showing of THE HUNGER GAMES, guests will be chosen at random to fight it out to the DEATH in our arena
    Theater Staff"

    Why can't i move to this town
    i just started reading the books today
    ----Christine :P

  2. oh and i bet you smell

    ...from the hike to the bathroom

  3. So happy you guys are having fun! Sounds like you are learning a lot, helping others, and becoming better for it! Can't wait to see you on Sunday! (It's not Christine now)

  4. Hi Lauren, we all miss you sooooo much!

  5. Ahhhh! Finally I figured out how to do this!!! Hi Laur! We have been tracking your pics on the Ipad all week. It looks like you are having a ball!! WE miss you so much. WE just got back from VA we looked at a couple of colleges and we are all so tired. Try and send us more posts. We love checking out all the pics. Oh, guess what.....it is supposed to rain on Sunday for the Leatherman! The muddier the better! Hi Christina and Shannon. See you Saturday. Love Mom, Dad, Meghan, Katie & Kyra xoxo
